[LC 1023] Sub. Code: 4722 Q.P. Code : 664722
B.Sc (Nursing) Degree Examination Third Year Paper II
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Child Health Nursing
February 2013
Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 marks
I. Essays: (2X20=40)
1. a) Define growth and development
b) List the principles and factors influencing growth and development
c) Discuss in detail about the growth and development of toddler
d) Specify the role of the nurse in growth and development of toddler
2. a) what is IMNCI
b) Discuss the components and principles of IMNCI
c) Explain the IMNCI case management process for young infants and children
d) Specify IMNCI case management process of young infant with diarrhea
II. Write Short Notes on : (8X 5 = 40)
1. Values and types Play
2. Explain the welfare services for physically challenged children in India
3. Club foot
4. Administration of intramuscular injections in infants
5. Care of neonate in incubator
7. National immunization schedule
8. Breast feeding
III. Short Answers Questions: (10X 2 = 20)
1. Define wearing
2. List 4 congenital GI disorders
3. Differentiate Nephritis and nephritic syndrome
4. List Jones criteria
5. List 4 cyanotic congenital heart diseases
6. List the types of spina bifida
7. Define TOF
8. List 4 common behavioral disorders in preschooler
9. What is TEF
10. Define hempohilia and list its types
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